Help Women in Tanzania Build Brighter Futures 帮助坦桑尼亚女性点亮美好未来
raven han2025年2月,我将与任仕达全球12个国家20名同事一起花7天时间徒步挑战非洲之巅-乞力马扎罗(5895 米)。这将是一次公益挑战,我会与英国海外志愿服务组织(VSO) 还有任仕达(Randstad)一起筹集资金,支持坦桑尼亚女性,并在坦桑尼亚建立可持续的海洋经济。我的目标是筹集5000欧元,希望大家多多支持,谢谢大家。
In February 2025, me and 20 Randstad colleagues from 12 countries will climb Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania to support the “Empowering Women Entrepreneurs in the Blue Economy Sector” project, funded by VSO and Randstad. Part of my work is raising an amount of 5.000 Euro in order to support it. Each little contribution means a lot to me and is highly appreciated!
项目目标: The aims of this project:
This project aims to help Tanzanian young women actively participate in the blue economy by overcoming significant barriers such as gender discrimination, lack of specialized and financial assistance, limited representation in decision-making, environmental degradation, the impact of unpaid care, and limited time availability.
您的捐款将如何使用:How your donation will be used:
您的捐款将用于通过体面的工作改善 100 名处于边缘地位的年轻女性(18-35 岁)的生计和福祉。您的捐款将帮助我们建立和加强与私营公司的合作,以进行技能培训、获得当地政府和教育机构的认证,并建立合作社,让女性能够团结起来、交换和销售她们的产品。我们还寻求改善儿童保育服务,让年轻女性能够自由地在蓝色经济中工作并增加收入。
Your donation will be invested in enhancing the livelihoods and well-being of 100 young, marginalized women (aged 18-35) through decent jobs. Your contribution will help us establish and strengthen collaboration with private sector companies for skills training, certification by local government and educational institutions, and establishing cooperatives where women can unite, exchange, and market their products. We also seek to improve childcare services that will free young women to work in the blue economy and generate a increased income.
通过您的投资,我们预计到 2025 年 12 月将实现以下成果:With your investment, we expect to achieve the following results by December 2025:
- 惠及 100 名女性,其中 70% 表示收入增加、业务扩大、管理海洋资源的能力提高,有助于她们实现经济独立和蓝色经济的健康发展。
- 为渔业部门的 100 名妇女提供儿童保育援助,儿童保育服务的利用率达到 50%,服务可及性的满意度提高 40%。
- 在 1000 名目标女性中,至少有 70% 的人表示对自己的权利有了更多的了解,并将行使这些权利,改善渔业部门的工作条件和绩效。
- 100 名女性中至少有 70% 将积极参与蓝色经济社区论坛,并根据项目前后的调查结果展示出行为变化和新的商业实践。
- Reach 100 women, with 70% reporting an increase in income, business expansion, and improved capacity to manage marine resources, contributing to their economic independence and the health of the blue economy.
- Provide childcare assistance to 100 women in the fisheries sector, evidenced by 50% utilization of the childcare service and a 40% increase in reported satisfaction with service accessibility.
- At least 70% of 1000 targeted women will report increased knowledge about their rights and will exercise those rights to improve working conditions and performance in the fisheries sector.
- At least 70% of 100 women will be actively engaged in community forums in the blue economy, demonstrating behavioral change and new business practices as measured by pre- and post-program surveys.
To achieve our ambitions, we aim to provide training, financial services, market access, quality assurance, and foster partnerships with service providers to ensure sustainable development and gender equality in the blue economy sector. Your support is invaluable in transforming this sector and empowering women to earn a better income, improve their livelihoods, and drive sustainable development in Tanzania.
英国海外志愿服务组织(VSO)是全球最大的非官方、非营利、非宗教性质的志愿者组织。如果您的捐款至少为 40 欧元,您在欧洲纳税时,您的慈善捐款可用于抵税。请务必填写您的个人详细信息,以便向您提供 VSO 的减税证明。(备注:请按自己的实际情况向当地税务部门确认抵税政策)
If your donation is at least €40, your donation to charity is tax deductible when you pay taxes in EU. Please be sure to fill in your personal details so that I will be able to provide you a tax receipt from VSO. (Tips: Please confirm the tax deduction policy with the local tax department according to your actual situation.)