That's why I'm climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro.

Tamiko Kurihara
from €5,000 (107%)

I am a single mother with four children.
My children are one college student, two high school students, and one elementary school student.
My children are going through a period of rebellion. I want to teach them the importance of challenging themselves during that necessary period of adulthood.
I also want them to open their eyes to the world by learning about the situation of young people in Africa who are their age.
Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro and raising 5,000 euros are both tough challenges.
But the harder the challenge, the more it makes sense.
I want to succeed in this challenge. Please give me your help.

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€3,727 08-09-2023 | 09:24
€1,635 05-07-2023 | 19:34